
An inkling of who we are


When we arrive on earth, we are provided with no map for our life journey.  Only gradually as our identity forms, and we get an inkling of who we are, do possibilities begin to emerge that really call us.
– John O’Donohue

I was 19 years old and gazing down the hallway into a square of blue sky, when that question first honked it’s existential horn:

“What are you doing with your life?”
The answer came: “I want to create atmospheres.”

This was true, but frustratingly vague.
So I queried, hoping for some specifics, “And what the f*&k does that mean?”

18 years and many arts adventures later, I’m still finding out.  It will always involve working with others: Leading and collaborating.  Such as with our new (and already accomplished) Gig Manager, Jess Nock!  Creative cooperation or synergy as Stephen R Covey describes it in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, is a fun as well as effective way of making things happen.

80s rock flashmob in the homeland

The wild imagination of Guest Teacher Kelly Dodd and The Cassettes flowed freely as they ran amok through Byron last term:

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Flashmob Dance Company

Long term Cassette dancer and teacher Indi Franke is creating a GLOW: Gorgeous Ladies and Lads of Wrestling themed piece to Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust, which we’ll debut at the magical Bello Winter Music Festival this July.  My inner-most being, is giddy.

Mix Tape Crew

I’m all riled up reviving MJs Beat It: a bad-ass routine choreographed by Indi, for our Byron and Bangalow performance piece.  Man in the Mirror, Pleasure and Pain, I Think We’re Alone Now are new warm-up tracks that have had me in stitches, as well as ecstasy.  Always fun when the Australia Post delivery man surprises me – damn those glass sliding doors!

The radiant Deb Chalmers and the Burleigh dancers (Tues + Thurs nights!) have just begun embracing Flashdance, plus buoyant and sporty warm-up routines, and other top secret Cassette activities.


Door Goddesses Rohini, Sandra and Viv will help you feel snuggly and warm at Mix Tapes, whether you’re wearing a unicorn onesie or not.  Here’s the Mix Tapes last end-of-term show, including Byron:

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Dance Megamix in Byron

While our Hip Hop teacher Kim Kosic (and maker of the Byron flashmob film!) is travelling in Term 2, an all-star cast of Guest Teachers: Scott Thomson, Vivi Frehner, Marissa Treichel and Leisel Fitzgerald will guide us through 8 Tuesday morning Byron dance classes.

Breakdance, Street Dance, Pilates, Contemporary, Modern Dance (or as I prefer, Jazz), and ballet.  Oh my goodness, yes.

Scott has competed in the biggest b-boy comps in the world (!!) and supported performers such as Ice T, Public Enemy, KRS 1, Black Eyed Peas, Grand Master Flash, DJ Kool Herc and Gang Starr.  He’s also very experienced teaching beginner b-boys and b-girls.
Not that I double checked or anything.

Join Term 2 Cassettes today!

Cassette atmospheres

Our teachers and I love leading, and being part of the beautiful group atmosphere of Cassette classes and shows.  The bond is fuelled by positivity, encouragement, 80s, team work, creativity, responsibility, bio-glitter and an understanding that our diversity is a strength to be cherished.


When you find what you’re called to do, your life takes on a focus, and purpose. You come into rhythm with the deeper longing of your heart…But having a sense of your vocation does not in any way relieve you of the travail and turbulence of being human… there’s always only enough light, for the next step.

– John O’Donohue, from “To Bless the Space Between Us”.  I have the audio of this, and it’s just divine….both literally and figuratively.  What peanut butter on toast is to comfort food, John O’D is to poetry.